
Stomach ulcers - What can I do?

Stomach ulcers - What can I do?

What is a Gastric Ulcer?

A gastric ulcer in horses occurs when the protective lining of the stomach is damaged, and stomach acid begins to attack the stomach walls. This can be triggered by a variety of factors, including insufficient feeding, excessive stress, or an imbalanced diet. Horses' stomachs continuously produce acid for digestion, and when there are long periods without food—such as during box rest or intense work—this acid can damage the stomach lining, leading to ulcers.

Why Supplement with GNF?

Gastric ulcers often arise due to high proportions of concentrated feed with little roughage, training stress, and lack of access to grazing. A balanced diet and special supplements can help regulate stomach pH and reduce the risk of ulcers.

GNF (Gut Nutrition Formula) was specifically designed to promote gut health, regulate pH levels, and mitigate the effects of stress and dietary changes. Particularly through the inclusion of slippery elm bark, which improves the thickness and quality of the stomach lining, it offers valuable support in managing gastric ulcers. By supporting stomach and gut health, GNF helps optimize feed utilization and maintain the natural digestive process.

When Should I Supplement with GNF?

You should consider supplementing with GNF in the following situations:

  • Poor Appetite or Weight Loss: If your horse struggles to gain weight or loses weight rapidly.
  • Behavioral Changes: If your horse begins to crib or grind its teeth, which could indicate discomfort or digestive issues.
  • Dull Coat: A sign of poor nutrition or digestive problems.
  • Digestive Issues During Transport or Competitions: Stress and dietary changes can disrupt your horse's digestion.
  • Stress Sensitivity: Horses that are more prone to stress are often more susceptible to gastric ulcers.
  • Diagnosed Gastric Ulcers: If the vet has diagnosed gastric ulcers, GNF paste is recommended after the medication treatment, followed by GNF pellets.

GNF helps promote gut health and alleviate stress effects by regulating stomach pH and reducing the risk of gastric ulcers.


A healthy gut is essential for the overall health of your horse. If your horse shows signs of gastric ulcers or is prone to stress, GNF can provide valuable support to stabilize digestion and protect the stomach.



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