Once your mare is in foal many carry on a normal care and feed pattern until the last trimester. This is when you will need to start looking at ways to supplement your mares’ diet, over and above t...

What are the benefits of vitamin E as a feed supplement for your horse?
Vitamin E and Its Benefits for Horses Vitamin E is traditionally associated with supporting relaxed muscles in horses and is also considered a natural anti-inflammatory agent. For this reason, it i...

The Eternal Comparison – Soaking vs. Steaming
Did you know that: ... "soaking hay" increases the bacteria count by 150% in just 10 minutes? ... more than one in six horses suffer from a performance-reducing respiratory disease? ... an astonis...

Electrolytes – Vital salts for the horse’s body!
ELECTROLYTES - A term everyone has heard of, but hardly anyone can explain. Let us break it down for you! Electrolytes – Vital salts for the horse’s body! After a strenuous training session or comp...

Hay Steaming – Clean Hay Means Healthier Horses
Clean Hay Means Healthier Horses That’s Healthy Horse Sense Forage is the Basis of Horse Feeding A key component of every horse's feed ration is crude fiber. Grass and preserved forage such as hay ...

Winter Worming: Identifying & treating Encysted Redworm in horses
Small redworm Cyathostomin/Small Strongyles, are one of the most common endoparasites in equines, and during the winter, the larvae (larval Cyathostominosis) hibernate in the gut wall (hypobiotic l...

Everything you need to know about winter worming
Small redworm Cyathostomin/Small Strongyles, are one of the most common endoparasites in equines, and during the winter, the larvae (larval Cyathostominosis) hibernate in the gut wall (hypobiotic l...

Which foaling alarm is the best for you: Comparing reliability and welfare
Bringing a new life into the world is a momentous occasion, especially in the realm of horse breeding. Ensuring a safe and monitored foaling process is crucial for the well-being of both the mare a...

What are the benefits of feeding garlic to horses?
For centuries garlic has been known as one of the most effective natural healing substances in the world, and not just for people - Garlic has amazing healing benefits for horses too. In this blog,...

Did you know THIS about horse?
Horses have been roaming the earth for a surprisingly long time, in fact, the earliest horse is estimated to have lived 55 million years ago and was about the size of a Labrador. Based on eviden...

Know what fats to feed your horse: the difference between omega-3 and omega-6 oils
As a result of growing interest in supplement science, our understanding of the benefits of micro-nutrients for horses has come on leaps and bounds over the last decade. A particular nutrient group...

More about Bone Development in Horses
The correlation between bone development and horse nutrition has been researched extensively in recent years. The fact that a foal can be standing within 20 minutes of birth, and within hours be re...

Why use rubber matting in your horse’s stable?
There are a huge number of benefits to using rubber matting in stables, which is why it is becoming almost universal in livery yards and private stables. Below we have listed just some of the main ...