veterinary medical
About Veterinary Medicines
Our mission statement is "Providing sport horse individuals with products to achieve their ambitions." As part of on-going commitment, we endeavour to source and provide the latest and most upto date products available and offer any specific advice or information required. We believe our knowledgeable background and experience are key factors in giving our customers confidence in the products we choose to recommend. As a mark of our commitment to quality, our staff are AMTRA (Animal Medicines Training and Regulatory Authority) qualified.
Managing Director
Nelson Kilbey
SQP Staff Qualifications at Farm & Stable Supplies LLP
Name | Registered Number |
Giles Wickland | QR13292 |
Laurence Newton | QR13931 |
Edwin Kerkham | QR12301 |
Malcolm Kilbey | QR10943 |
Andrew Kilbey | QR13848 |
Bruce Kilbey | QR14450 |
Kevin Tennent | QE8274 |
John Newton | QR10411 |
Jessica Dodd | QJ40224 |
How to confirm the RQP's registration status:
Search under the "code" for the staff which you are looking for, Click here to view the registation status or Alternatively ring the VMD on 01932 336911 and quote the code of the staff member which you wanted to check the status of their RQP.
If things go wrong
If things go wrong (How to make a complaint)If you have any comment or complaint about our internet services please contact initially or telephone us on 01730 716084. If for any reason our response does not satisfy you regarding a complaint relating to a veterinary medicine only then you may contact the Veterinary Medicine Directorate (
Adverse Reactions to a medicine
Reporting an Adverse Event to VMDThese may be reported to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (for animal medicines) at the following url
VMD’s Product Information Database
This database is for customers to look up the summary of product characteristics on all UK authorised veterinary medicines.
Omega House, Hazleton Interchange, Lakesmere Road, Horndean PO8 9JU England