
Cooling paste - Beat the heat! Stay cool - stay sound

Cooling paste - Beat the heat! Stay cool - stay sound

Nothing Worries the Trainer More Than a Horse's Legs

The legs are the most vulnerable parts of a horse's body. During intense training and competitions, they are subjected to tremendous pressure and forces.

Our Recommendation: TRM Staysound

Staysound is the unique solution for daily care and maintenance of horse legs. It provides a cooling, soothing, and tissue-tightening effect. The legs must withstand significant pressure and force during training and competition, and Staysound should become a part of your horse's daily routine to help maintain healthy legs.

Key Benefits of Staysound:

  • Ready-to-use: Staysound comes in a convenient, ready-to-use formula.
  • Effective for minor injuries: It can be applied to small cuts and abrasions.
  • Long-lasting cooling effect: Staysound is designed to deliver a prolonged cooling effect, helping to soothe the legs.
  • User-friendly: It is easy to apply without the need for bandages or wraps and can be easily washed off.

Staysound helps to maintain and promote healthy, resilient legs for your horse, ensuring they stay in top condition during training and competition.

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