Grazing – But Correctly!

Grazing – But Correctly!

Grazing – But the Right Way! The horses and most owners can hardly wait – traditionally, the grazing season starts on May 1st at many stables. However, grazing needs to be well-prepared. In additio...

DigestionFecal water in horses - What can be done?

Fecal water in horses - What can be done?

"Horse Diarrhea" or "Watery Stool" – An Overview and Treatment Methods for Owners Particularly during the upcoming, darker months, "watery stool" (or "kotwasser") is a common term for horse owners....

DigestionStomach ulcers - What can I do?

Stomach ulcers - What can I do?

What is a Gastric Ulcer? A gastric ulcer in horses occurs when the protective lining of the stomach is damaged, and stomach acid begins to attack the stomach walls. This can be triggered by a varie...